Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To Grease or Not to Grease: That is the Question!

In early childhood days I, as many of you grew up with your mother greasing your scalp, and as these acts were done with our best interest in mind, new haircare practices suggest that this act is not the healthiest option for our hair.

In my research several sources indicate that oiling the scalp on a regular basis can cause buildup, thereby clogging pores and inhibiting hair growth. Our scalp produces oils on its own that is sufficient for nourishment. If one may be suffering from hair loss however, it is recommended that one conducts hot oil massages before shampooing & conditioning once a week. Good oils to use would be peppermint, coconut, lavender, rosemary, thyme and Jamaican black castor (JBCO) oils.

Up until now, I have oiled my scalp with a personal mixture of oils 2 - 3 times a week. I have locs and my hair is VERY soft. Oiling on such a consistent basis caused my locs to unravel. I asked my stylist on my last visit if she ever oils her scalp in between washes. She said does not…she just refreshes her locs with a lite oil spritz as needed.

There are some that believes good hair starts from the inside out (diet, exercise, vitamins and minerals). An article I read (sourced below) gives a detailed listing and dosage of key vitamins and minerals and foods to include in our diet that are conducive to hair growth. Some vitamins and minerals include B6, Biotin, Inositol, Folic Acid, B5 (Pantothetic Acid, B3 (Niacin), Magnesium, Sulfur, and Zinc to name a few. Foods such as brown rice, leafy green veggies, ginger, seaweed (sushi or in supplement form) and carrots are great foods to include in one’s diet to promote growth…..

I have not oiled my scalp since my last grooming. I am going to insure the veggies and vitamins listed are included in my diet and daily health regimen. I will continue my fitness regimen of exercise 4+ days a week, and I will continue this routine for 3-4 months to see if there is a difference in growth and hair maintenance. I hope this information was helpful. Until next time…..Stay tuned!
